
AGRA ranks Raino Tech4Impact in the Top 20 African Start-ups.

Raino Tech4Impact was part of the 20 finalists who took part in the 2019 African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) AgriHack and Deal room in Accra. AGRF is organized by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and partners such as CTA, YARA, FAO, The African Development Bank Group, CGIAR, IFAD, the OCP Group.

Pitch AgriHack is part of CTA’s AgriHack Talent initiative and aims at accelerating e-agriculture entrepreneurship for growth and job creation in African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) countries. Raino Tech4Impact  got a chance to share our solutions to industry experts who offered deep insights and guidance. Keep IT Cool solution received validation from peer finalists and investors who pointed out the existing need for an affordable end to end cold chains in most African countries.

In addition, we were thereafter selected to participate for the  Agri Hack Dealroom organised by Crossboundary inc.