
Keep IT Cool unlocks more funding to support small scale fisherfolks

Nairobi, Kenya 6th August 2021:  The impact of COVID-19 on the local fish supply chain continues to be felt across the value chain, fisherfolks are struggling to sell as fish traders are struggling to offtake fish due to restrictions. On the other side, fish imports have reduced significantly due to disruption in the global logistics creating a wider deficit of fish supply which could only be met through local channels. These challenges present a unique opportunity for Keep IT Cool.

Keep IT Cool with support Msingi East Africa created a go-to-market strategy and extended the markiti platform- a smart distribution platform powered by a decentralised cold chain, to support small and medium fish farms.

By June 2021, the markiti platform had helped offtake over 50MT from small scale fish farms in the first six months of the pilot, securing livelihoods and creating new efficient market channels for small-scale fisherfolks.

This validation of the Markiti platform has met and surpassed the initial set KPIs unlocking more grant funding and support from Msingi East Africa. The funds will be used to extend the offtake services to more regions and meet the working capital needs.

About Msingi East Africa

Msingi East Africa is a leading investor in aquaculture. They are working to support competitiveness, innovation and growth in aquaculture across East Africa. They have invested and continue to support over 10 fish farms in East Africa.